My interview experience in big tech company

Unveiling my Experience in big tech company and how it went and lessons that i have learned from that

Just rough overview of my experience from interviews

  • Yeah , One thing I have learned on having an interview with big tech companies is like you should always be talking to the end of the interview starting from a very first start like you should be making your self as leader like a team player plus ask a lot of questions - trust me on this + know exactly what the company values and principles from their website which is crucial for the question - 'why do you wanna join us' so guys where even not in big tech but other interview try being a team player as much as possible with out any grand exaggeration .. just keep it smooth ... Being nervous is so normal.. even I told him that I am so nervous so that he gave 2 or 3 min to relax and he was even talking me about other stuff like school and stuff like that + after you do all this time there is a time where you being asked about the project and stuff like that and mentioning about opensource contribution is heck keypoint with your contribution proof like what you actually did , what changed after your change and stuff like that ...since it is the actual replica of the work environment you will be working on except on closed source projects .
  • Yeah communication communication communication communication is really key you got have to take it consideration and take it really seriously over the technical side I can say... Honestly the technical questions was not that bad rather it was easy like he asked me to implement MRU - mostly recently used - you can call it as new varient of data structure but here there is some rule on ordering and putting stuff plus removing and inserting .
  • Yeah as the name implies it is just there will be a set of operation you need to do on most recently used value from your MRU data structure implementation which was the opposite of LRU which is the most famous interview questiosn and yeah first I allow my self to explain my thought process plus what data structure like nested data structure am gonna be using while implementing the algorithm + data structure and I just went through the farming approach so called brute force and explained to him why it does not scale as our input size grows which have a direct correlation with our output beside any auxiliary space since I ain't use any..and yeah coming up with brute force solution is so crucial so that even you even showed him how well you understood the question but also you will have a credit on doing so ..
  • so that even it can helps you on optimizing the code interms of time or space complexity yeah the brute force one took me about 5 min and I went to trying out the optimized approach which is somehow hard by that time plus the pressure yeah I just trying calming my self and continued explaining why brute force does not work and we need to optimize further and yeah with 3 or 4 minute I came up with some optimization which I really did interms of operation optimization like insertion and deletion and some other operation was a bit time and space costy which I optimized them later to constant time operation instead of avg O(n) time complexity and and I just went over writing the pseudo code while explaining my thoughts and I explained the fine details about why I did choose some data structure instead of other and stuff like that and yeah told him and explained him at my best which I hoped he understood my approach very clear and he was happy by my solution since we were having a fun at some point me trying to explain some crazy word that I usually use in amahric and getting a stutter Infront of him 🤣 which was kind of funny by that time and we both laughed and he requested me to calm down for more time if I need so. Yeah after about 10 min I finished implementing my solution and finished the analysis like auxiliary space , time , space , operation wise and stuff like that . More or less this was a bit of my experience with the company and we even shared our linkedin , by the end it was somehow a kind of question like what you major accomplishments, what is you proudest moment on your career - for me it was participating on hackaton and contributing to opensource project which he was really interested of listening to , we have talked about some of the contribution that I have done and why I did that , the impact , the pros and cons all of the flaws and by the end he asked me if I do have a question for him and I said nope and we have shared our good byes and that was the end of the interview process and after that I have doubt a lot of mistake which I did while the interview and which was not that bad but still something that need to addressed. And for further questions I'm might have another blog like a part 2 explaining a detail of my experience on that. Other than that I still don't know the result but I don't know if it will goes as I expected or not .. there were a mistake that I did but I really do well on technical + expressing my thought . And if anybody who guessed a company will have 100ETB card except for this fellas who knows. sorry for long post ;) guys .. hope you get lucky on this